The Aim of NuMeRI

NuMeRI will be a home to a crosscutting nuclear medicine related research roadmap, articulating the broad transdisciplinary research focus areas, desired goals for research, gaps in the current ecosystem which impeded transdisciplinary research, as well as projects to address these gaps. The projects will include amongst others:

  • to provide levers and incentives for researchers to collaborate rather than compete; and
  • to consolidate key NuMeRI and national infrastructure and equipment to facilitate sharing and collaborations, and develop principles for the harmonisation, access, and research data integration.


To contribute to Grand challenges such as Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) by providing imaging to understand drug resistance in in vitro and in vivo models (mostly animals) and furthermore provide imaging as a drug discovery tool.

Innovative drug development through cross-sector social partnerships involving public health strategies, university projects and SMEs.

Objectives of NuMeRI

  • Strengthen the Nuclear Medicine capacity in South Africa and beyond its borders in Africa.
  • Enhance South African research in Medicinal Chemistry.
  • Expedite development of drugs to address national priority diseases enabling new pharmaceuticals to reach market sooner.
  • The accelerated timelines offer both advantages in costs related to development, potentially saving around a billion rands a year in development costs.
  • Make generic drugs that are more affordable to developing nations.
  • Improve the quality of life of our local population.