NuMeRI Team Members

NuMeRI Board

Prof Mike Sathekge
Chief Executive Officer

Prof Jan Rijn Zeevaart Chief
Scientific Officer

Mr Yunus Munga
Chief Operating Officer

Prof Mariza Vorster
NuMeRI Clinical Head

Dr Amanda Mdlophane
NuMeRI Head of Radiopharmacy

Prof Thomas Ebenhan
NuMeRI Preclinical Head

Dr Mankgopo Kgatle
Head of Basic and Translational Research

Dr Alex Doruyter
NuMeRI Infection Imaging Head

Dr Ismaheel Lawal
Nuclear Medicine Physician

Dr Cathryn Driver
Academic Program Leader

Drieke van der Merwe
Graduate Pharmaceutical Engineer Trainee

Cecile Swanepoel
Research Radiographer

Liani Smith
Research Radiographer

Jillene Visser
Laboratory Animal Technologist

Motlalepula Marumo
Secretary | PA to ceo

Noxolo Makquthu
Clean Room Cleaning Specialist

Mr Mike Britton
Scientific Administrator

Dr Jannie Le Roux

Ms Jesmene Graves
Senior Radiographer

Ms Monique Frieslaar

Mr Sinawo Mzinyati

Ms Cebisa Gola
Administrative Officer